North Dakota Catholic Daughters of the Americas Website
Workshop Attendees
Thank You, Ct. St. Cecelia #362
for hosting the
a tasty lunch and breaks! ND State Board and
Workshop Attendees
2016 Fall Workshop
Hosted by Court St. Cecelia #362, Mandan
St. Joseph's Church
Saturday, October 1st
Highligts of National Convention -
Bonita Erickson, State Secretary
Mary, Our Patroness
Financial Report -
Sarah Torpen, State Treasurer
"Almost looks like =>
North Dakota, => =>
doesn't it?" => => =>
Kathy Kennedy, State Regent
How to make a "motion" -
Angela Scheett, Parliamentarian
"Snow White" and the Seven Leadership Skills
Kathy Kennedy
State Regent
Youth -
Sherran Meyer, Youth Chairman
Legislation -
Margaret Sitte, Legislation Chair
National Supervisor -
Vickie Fiest, 2nd Vice National Regent
Fr. Frank Miller, State Chaplain
By-Law Changes (from Nat'l Conv) -
Mary Baer, 2nd Vice State Regent