National Projects / National Charities
North Dakota Catholic Daughters of the Americas Website
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas supports the five Special National Charitable Projects listed below:
*Habitat for Humanity
*Holy Cross Family Ministries (Family Rosary)
*The Laboure Society
*SOAR! *Support Our Aging Religious
*National Center on Sexual Exploitation
National Charities
Ten National Charities are endorsed and supported by the Catholic Daughters of the Americas.
*The North American College
*Catholic Relief Services
*Apostleship of the Sea
*Covenant House
*Mother Teresa
*Tutwiler Clinic
*The Disaster Relief Fund
*Smile Train
*Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
State Chairman:
Deb Johnson, State Treasurer
National Chairman:
Sherry Nilles