
 North Dakota Catholic Daughters of the Americas Website

K.athy Kennedy receiving ND awards

from Shirley SeyFried

"Snow White" (Helene Shephard) and her seven dwarves.

"Leadership Skills"

North Dakota "State Night:"

Seated: Rev. Frank Miller, Bonita Erickson, Barb Nelson,

Standing: Mary Baer, Marie Fichter, Kathy Kennedy, Claudia Bosch, Margaret Sitte

ND Convention Delegates:

           State Regent Kathy Kennedy 

           2nd Vice State Regent Mary Baer

           State Secretary Bonita Erickson

           Marie Fichter; and Barb Nelson.

Gloria Bosch, Past National Regent

(Banquet night)

Shirley Seyfried and husband Dave

Newly elected National Nominating Committee

Chairman: Kathy Kennedy, ND State Regent

Vickie Feist, 2nd Vice National Regent Kathy Kennedy, ND State Regent.

56th Biennial National CDA Convention
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
July 20-24, 2016



North Dakota Catholic Daughters of the Americas Website