
 North Dakota Catholic Daughters of the Americas Website


Leadership Resolutions for 2017:

Sherry Nilles, 1st Vice National Regent

National Leadership Chairman

[CDA National Quarterly December 2016]

A new year will soon be here and with that comes time for New Year's Resolutions.

  1. Consider your strong points and build on them. When thinking of making improvements the best leaders stand out because of their great strengths. They were memorable because of something done very well.
  2. While working with other people, give them the gift of your undivided attention. They should feel that they are important to you and of value. Make them the focus of attention. Maintain good eye contact and actively listen.
  3. Improve your vocabulary by adding new words and phrases, therefore becoming more interesting and exciting to listen to. Remember the tone of your voice and non-verbal communication as well.
  4. Women are paying close attention to your behaviors. You will be setting the line as to what is acceptable and what will not be acceptable. Courts will be doing as you do regardless of the wording in the bylaws and Tools of the Trade.
  5. Emotions are contagious. So is your energy level. Having a high positive energy level will promote stronger interest and increase the works in your court. Involve others who demonstrate positive energy.
  6. Lead effectively by demonstrating care and concern for others. Leadership is a relational skill that depends on how others react and interact with you. Look for opportunities to show that you care.

Trying to make all six changes at one time can be overwhelming, but start with one or two. when those are mastered, add another one.

"Congratulations" to all newly elected / installed 2020-2022 local court officers. "Thank you"  for your dedication to your courts and the Catholic Daughters of the Americas.

Remember your court chose you, please continue to inspire, support, facilitate and communicate with your team in Unity and Charity,

State Leadership Team:

   Deb Johnson 1st Vice State Regent


***Entire State Board

   Mary Baer, State Regent


   Sue Judd, 2nd Vice State Regent


   Elizabeth Plemel-Scott, State Secretary


   Angela Scheett, State Treasurer



National Leadership Chairman:

   Brenda Anderson

