
 North Dakota Catholic Daughters of the Americas Website

Sue Judd, State Secretary

[Installed after Convention]

Handing over of 'The Gavel"

State Chaplain Rev. Miller

State Regent Kathy Kennedy

Newly Elected State Regent Laurel Ann Dukart

Go in peace, sisters and brothers of God,

"In Unity and Charity"

Meeting Break

State Chaplain Rev. Miller

1st Vice State Regent Laurel Ann Dukart

State Regent Kathy Kennedy

State Secretary Bonita Erickson

Mass Celebrant Bishop Keegan

State Chaplain Rev. Miller (left)

Deacon Campbell (right)



     The North Dakota state officers and members of  Court Immaculate Conception #322 in Bismarck, ND are delighted to be hosting and wish to extend this invitation for you to attend the ND Catholic Daughters of the Americas Biennial State Convention May 5-7, 2017 in Bismarck. The Convention headquarters is the Ramada Hotel & Conference Center.

     We have been working diligently to prepare a memorable Convention for CDA members and their guests.

     Come celebrate the accomplishments of the past two years, enjoy many great speakers, daily Mass, socializing and discover new ideas to grow spiritually and to be of service to others.

     During the Convention Court Immaculate Conception #322 will be celebrating 100 years.

                                                                                                        Unity and Charity,

                                                                                                        Delores Friedt, Regent
                                                                                                        Court Immaculate Conception #322

Newly elected North Dakota State Catholic Daughters Officers with State Chaplain Rev. Franklin Miller, KC 4th Degree Honor Guard, Ct. Immaculate Conception Color Guard and 2nd Vice National Regent Vickie Feist. 

Seated State Officers left to right: 2nd Vice State Regent Bonita Erickson; State Regent Laurel Ann Dukart; 1st Vice State Regent Mary Baer and State Treasurer Deb Johnson.

50th Biennial North Dakota State

Catholic Daughters of the Americas Convention:


May 5th-7th, 2017


hosted by Court Immaculate Conception #322

Ramada Bismarck Hotel

1400 E Interchange Ave,​    

Bismarck, ND


Friday, May 5:

   9:00-11:30 a.m.     Registration

   11:00 a.m.               Eucharistic Adoration (1 hour before Mass)

   12:00 p.m.              Vocations Mass - celebrated by Bishop Kagan


   2:30 p.m.                Business Session convenes 



                                   Live Auction

Saturday, May 6:

   7:00 a.m.                Eucharistic Adoration (1 hour before Mass)

   8:00 a.m.                Memorial Mass 


                                   Business Session - reconvenes / elections during this session


                                   Business Session


                                   Banquet supper

                                   Past Regents' Club meeting - following banquet

Sunday, May 7:

   9:00 a.m.               Installation Mass


                                  Warp-up and farewells

Rev. Frank Miller, State Chaplain


Newly Installed State Officers

Bonita Erickson, 2nd Vice State Regent

Laurel Ann Dukart, State Regent

Mary Baer, 1st Vice State Regent

​Deb Johnson, State Treasurer