
 North Dakota Catholic Daughters of the Americas Website


 Nativity Scene Letter


ND State Regent 

(click here)

Rev. Frank Miller ND State Chaplain Blessing the Creche

Pastor Kurt Chaffee New Song Church "Christ in the Public Square"

Rev Frank Miller ND State Chaplain "Keeping Christ in Christmas!"

St. Mary's Central High School Concert Choir - conducted by Vicky R. Boechler


   O come let us adore




          Lighting and blessing of the Nativity Scene

                       North Dakota State Capitol

                4 pm, Thursday, December 5, 2019

​                                Memorial Hall


Secretary of State Al Jaeger - Welcome

St. Mary's Central High School Concert Choir - conducted by Vicky R. Boechler

Rev. Franklin Miller, CDA's ND State Chaplain - Blessing of the Creche 

Pastor Kurt Chafee, New Song Church - Closing Prayer

Audience singing of Christmas carols - "Joy to the World;" "O Come, All Ye Faithful," and "Silent Night"

Sponsored by North Dakota Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA)

North Dakota State Catholic Daughters of the Americas Board

Laurel Ann Dukart State Regent,  Bonita Erickson 2nd Vice State Regent,

Rev. Frank Miller State Chaplain, Sue Judd State Secretary,

Deb Johnson State Treasurer, Mary Baer 1st Vice State Regent

Nativity Scene Event


4:00 p.m. - December 5, 2019


Memorial Hall - North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck

Al Jaeger ND Secretary of State Welcoming all Christians