Court Father Tracy #2121, Bowman
Ann Walby, Louise Hilton, Terry Walter, Marge Russ, Agnes Kitzan
Bea Vadner, Rosemary KademA, Carol Foss, Jane Nelsen
Fr. Paul Eberle Court Chaplain
Keynote Speaker
Jean Gatz
Wit with Wisdom
Humor with Hearts
Keynote Speaker
Award-Winning Author
Court St. Mary #268, Devils Lake
Top: Presentation of Court Symbol St. Patrick's Day Luncheon.
State Regent's Report
Laurel Ann Dukart
State Chaplain's Message
Father Frank Miller
"Come Zoom With Us"
Bonita Erickson
2nd Vice State Regent
Court Cardinal Muench #1852, Wahpeton
Sue Solberg; Doris Breusch; Val Hegel;
Pat Keaveny; Betty Goroski; Carol Crissler;
Liz Toussaint; Connie Brandt
Carol Crissler; Doris Breusch, Connie Brandt; Betty Goroski; Pat Keaveny; Sue Solberg; Val Hegel; Liz Toussaint.
State Regent Laurel Ann Dukart
Opening the Convention
Mary Baer Fr. Frank Miller
Memorial Rosary for Deceased Members
Deb Johnson
State Treasurer
North Dakota Catholic Daughters of the Americas Website
Court Holy Cross #2718, West Fargo
Front row:
Robin Knudson, Madonna Nelsen, Jan Sanders, Julie Belch.
Back row:
Nancy Aal, Lisa Roeske, Shari Sauvageau, Dora Mae Mitzel, Kathy Haaland, Lori Bachmeier
Tech Support
Father Frank Miller
State Chaplain
[Bruce Baer]
Our Mother Mary
Members of Ct. St. Mary #268 ->>>
Char Kitsch (far right)
Spiritual Enhancement Chair
52nd Biennial North Dakota State
Catholic Daughters of the Americas Convention
"Holy Spirit, Come Zoom With Us"
Saturday May 1, 2021
hosted by North Dakota State Board
(via Zoom)
Keynote Speaker Jean Gatz
Photos by Local Court Members and State Officers.
Sue Judd
State Secretary
Court Marquette #677, Grand Forks
Above, left to right: Lucy Hanninen Regent reporting on Court Symbol the "October Rosary"; Mary Jo Schill Treasurer;and Lucy Hanninen Regent
Below, left to right; Virginia Wilson 1st Vice Regent; Sue Petterson.
Court Immaculate Conception, #322, Bismarck
Cindy Knox, Lynn Megal, Marella A. Krein, Delores Friedt, Joanne Jaszkowiak (absent from picture is Fr. John Paul Gardner who did attend) - in Bismarck
Rita Mastel (running for the office of State Secretary)
and Virginia Dolajak in attendance at Belfield
w/ Court Our Lady of Perpetual Help #2148
Court St. Ann #261, Fargo
Front row: Patsy Mathern, Karla Kraviec, Patty Landsman. Paulette Kraiter. (Past State Regent)
Back row: Bernadette O'Keefe, Tacita Poletti, Peggy Motschenbacher, Peggy Mondry (Regent)
Left side: Elaine Johnson, Sue Judd, Nancy Bambenek, Renae Sticka, Fr. Shane Campbell, Bruce Baer, Fr. Frank Miller
Right side: Mary Baer, Kathy Kennedy, Claudia Bosch, Deb Johnson, Bonita Erickson, Laurel Ann Dukart.
Jean Gatz is a nationally known inspirational speaker, retreat leader and award-winning author. Weaving God’s word together with gentle humor and stories of her own faith journey, Jean encourages Catholic Daughters to meet their challenges with wisdom, courage, faith and grace. Jean was scheduled to present 4 sessions at our national convention in Dallas in 2020. So we are excited to have her deliver the opening and closing keynotes for our virtual convention on May 1.
Jean has written 8 books, including one she just wrote for Catholic Daughters: “Unwrapping God’s Gifts in Your Life.” Jean understands we’ve all had our share of trials, disappointments and losses that test our faith. While we can’t be in charge of everything that happens to us, we CAN be in charge of how we respond by asking God for His help and guidance.
Mary Baer
1st Vice State Regent
Bishop David Kagan
Welcoming attendees and wishing us
a convention filled with the
Holy Spirit.
Left side: Laurel Ann Dukart, Bonita Erickson, Deb Johnson, Claudia Bosch, Kathy Kennedy, Mary Baer
Right side: Fr. Frank Miller, Bruce Baer, Fr. Shane Campbell, Renae Sticka, Nancy Bambenek, Sue Judd, Elaine Johnson