State Officers led training of Local Court Officers, discussed 'how to do a budget' , and
'things to include in standing rules'.
State Chairmen spoke on their piece of the Circle of Love.
photo by Angela Scheett
Sherran Mayer, State Youth Chairman
North Dakota Catholic Daughters of the Americas Website
photo by Angela Scheett
State Officers, Deb Johnson, Bonita Ericson,
Mary Baer, Laurel Ann Dukart
photo by Angela Scheett
Deb Johnson, State Treasurer, talks about 'Budgets'
Kathy Kennedy, State Regent, looks on
photo by Angela Scheett
Monique Kraemer, State Legislation Chairman
2014 Fall Workshop
"Tools of the Trade" Officer Training
Hosted by Court Sacred Heart #1908
St. Cecelia Catholic Church, Harvey
Saturday, October 25th